Friday, October 9, 2009

My terrible trip to the US

I have traveled many times, but I have not experienced such a terrible trip. My trip started on the airplane to go to Seattle two weeks ago. At the airport in Seattle, my host mother and father were to meet me. I was excited and looking forward to seeing them, and imagined the great situation of the meeting in the lobby. In my brain, I and my host family made a conversation pleasantly. As I went to the arrival lobby, I could see a few people waiting for the passengers. I thought I could find my persons waiting for me, but nobody has my name plate in their hands. Although I felt fear, I decided to wait there for a while. I waited for one hour there, however I could find nobody. Indeed, I lose my temper and my feeling went down. I called my agent and asked how to deal with this trouble. However, such a trouble could not be solved so fast, I was waited there for one hour. The cause of the problem was that my host mother brought a wrong name plate. One hour later, host father came and picked me up by car. While I was waiting, I felt quit fear and loneliness. Totally, I was waiting for three hours at the lobby in another country! I do not want to experience such a bad situation in my trip. I will never forget this experience.


  1. nice job bro. i liked the way that u described your feeling in this paragraph. Also i liked the way that you used a variety of words and not stick on basic words and that is going to help you a lot. Anyways, i think that you could check this sentence "At the airport in Seattle, my host mother and father were to meet me." i think you are missing "there" after "were". Please check you word choice here "I was excited and looking forward to seeing them" i think you could change "seeing" to "meet" so the sentence would be "I was excited and looking forward to meet them". please check with you instructor about this sentence "and imagined the great situation of the meeting in the lobby." i think there is something wrong in this sentence but, i can't figure it out. Sorry bro but i think you should check the paragraph and write it again because i think that you're problem is "word choice", but the idea of you paragraph is really fascinating.

    keep it up :)


  2. Really nice to read
